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Posts under 'Airline Travel'
Getting on a flight to Sydney is an exciting prospect for most people, yet families might view such prospects with some consternation. After all, being locked up in a plane for 13 hours with a bunch of screaming kids is a major challenge – so how do you keep your ...
A recent decision by Southwest Airlines to eject a mother and toddler from a flight because the kid was being too noisy has reignited an age-old debate about traveling with children. How to deal with unruly kids, and who’s responsible for managing what can be a testy situation ...
Everyone loves to knock airline travel. The bland (or non-existent) food, lack of legroom, lost luggage and security hassles are all ripe joke fodder, but there's one subject that generates more punch than punchline. Kids on a plane. This topic has been in the hot seat yet again due to the ...
Good news for flight-bound sippy cups. It seems the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule is going to be slowly phased out through 2009. Sophisticated X-ray machines are being installed in 900 major airports that can detect the difference between, say, your toddler’s apple juice and potentially explosive liquids it could also detect ...
We all know that flying with small children has its ups and downs (no pun intended). It’s hard to keep energetic little ones entertained for hours when confined to a cramped seat. The issue is further compounded by the two to three hours lag time waiting at the airport before ...